What is person-centered care?

Person-centered care focuses not just on treatment for the person’s illness or condition, but on creating a plan of care of the whole person including their mental, emotional, social, and spiritual needs.

Person-centered care focuses on:

  • The person’s strengths, rather than their illness or condition and its limitations
  • The person’s personal interests—what’s important to them
  • The activities, hobbies, and past-times that are truly meaningful to them
  • Close and continuous contact with others (real relationships), and
  • The rewards of being interdependent, not dependent.

What is different about person-centered care?

Resident care in most long-term care and assisted living facilities is currently delivered via a traditional medical model, much like a hospital. It is based largely on institutional schedules to which the resident must conform, not the other way around.

Person-centered care, on the other hand, is driven by the individual’s needs and preferences, meaning that the elder can decide what treatment is provided, when to rise, when and what to eat, what social activities are appealing or how his/her living environment should look.

Decisions are made based on whether the endeavor creates growth or is fulfilling for the individual. The person-centered care approach seeks to provide an environment that the elder regards as home, not just homelike.

Person-centered care shifts from training that is solely based on medical knowledge or job descriptions, to cross-training and empowering staff to care for the whole individual (mind/body/social/spirit).

Does you provide CEUs for its seminars and training programs?

Not at this time. We are exploring options to make them available in the near future.

Do you provide on-site training?

Yes, we provide on-site education and training. We also provide education and training on weekends, by request.

Do you limit class size?

The room size you choose to have the training conducted in will determine the class size. We are comfortable and can easily accommodated up to 30 people for most training programs.

How do I schedule a training or education program at my facility or association?

We are eager to help you implement or expand your person-centered care program. We suggest you begin by scheduling a complimentary consult to discuss your goals and how we might tailor a program to your unique needs.

Call: (813) 760-6063

Email: Please use the contact form or email me directly at Christine @ PersonCenteredCareEducation.com